
H1N1 Vaccinine shot, anyone getting it?
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Author:  cursed sasuke [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

^ LMAO, so she's fine when she runs? wtf?

Author:  im no superman [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:46 pm ]
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So anyone else kinda guess this? I didn't.

http://www.noob.us/miscellaneous/surpri ... lly-cured/

Author:  ballinsk8r4lyf [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:03 pm ]
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Yeah, I saw that coming...

Author:  wonderbread2 [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:08 am ]
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It was a conspiracy!!!! OMG Everyone with the shot will become zombies, holy shiet L4D L4D

Author:  ballinsk8r4lyf [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:22 am ]
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If I got attacked by a bunch of people that walked like that, I would die of laughing and not being eaten.

Author:  Wraith [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:42 am ]
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I got the sweet shot yesterday, free of charge of coarse. I'd like to thank Cole for paying his taxes so I could get the shot. :D Nothing major happened to me after getting it, I feel fine... Is it normal if there is an extreme burning sensation when you take a crap? just wondering it started yesterday for some reason.

Author:  ColeLT1 [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:55 am ]
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Wraith wrote:
Is it normal if there is an extreme burning sensation when you take a crap? just wondering it started yesterday for some reason.

That would be the hot wings you ate last night. And you are welcome on taxes, I am about to bend over and take a raping from the IRS this year, I will owe around 14k in taxes, and I think I made too much this year to contribute to my roth IRA.... at least I know that some of it is going to you.

Author:  Wraith [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:56 am ]
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ColeLT1 wrote:
Wraith wrote:
Is it normal if there is an extreme burning sensation when you take a crap? just wondering it started yesterday for some reason.

That would be the hot wings you ate last night. And you are welcome on taxes, I am about to bend over and take a raping from the IRS this year, I will owe around 14k in taxes, and I think I made too much this year to contribute to my roth IRA.... at least I know that some of it is going to you.

:shock: .... You're going into debt for me? You're my hero, I want a picture of you on a 4x3 poster flag to hang on my wall. You will go above the Texas flag. On a serious note You're not the only one who'll pay apparently several housholds are gonna take it from IRS. I personally hate the tax system they take from the well off and give to the "poor." Oh they say you have more money because you're "fortunate". What they don't understand is that you're one of those few Americans that actually EARN, INVEST, and SAVE money; luck has nothing to do with it. http://money.cnn.com/2009/09/30/pf/taxe ... /index.htm

Author:  ColeLT1 [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:07 am ]
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Yeah, but I am not going into debt, I made a killing on the market this year is all.
(G x .25 = T) G= gains T=taxes owed, you can figure it out... lets just say I am getting my Infinity G35/37 (coupe) after tax season :) I also lost 6700 last year, and you can only claim a 3k loss, so I get to carry over 3700 this year, which will help some (about a grand).

Author:  Wraith [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:10 pm ]
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I wonder how much I'll get back? Being in the military you always pay over what you owe the government unless you screw up somewhere. Do you contribute to your roth ira after taxes? I always contribute to mine the first few months of the year which is $5,000. G35/37 wowy that's a nice car. I always want to buy a new car every time I see one. Then I tell myself I should wait to buy it in 30 days if I really want it. After the 30 day waiting period is up the sensation for me to buy it goes away. Which is a good thing. I can get by on the beater I drive now and keep saving up money. Gotta save up so I can buy expensive guns when I get back to the states :D

Author:  ColeLT1 [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:21 pm ]
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Wraith wrote:
I wonder how much I'll get back? Being in the military you always pay over what you owe the government unless you screw up somewhere. Do you contribute to your roth ira after taxes? I always contribute to mine the first few months of the year which is $5,000. G35/37 wowy that's a nice car. I always want to buy a new car every time I see one. Then I tell myself I should wait to buy it in 30 days if I really want it. After the 30 day waiting period is up the sensation for me to buy it goes away. Which is a good thing. I can get by on the beater I drive now and keep saving up money. Gotta save up so I can buy expensive guns when I get back to the states :D

Roth IRA is always after tax (traditional IRA is pre tax, where you have to pay the taxes when you take the money out, my 401k is a traditional, and my personal one is a roth). I do the same, max mine out every year, been putting in for 3 years, so 14 contributed, and its up to 26 now, woot. But I have a very strong feeling I made too much this year to put anything into my roth, but I guess making too much money in a year isn't a bad thing.

I can sell my accord, and get a G35 by only spending about 5k of my savings (my Roth money), and have a much nicer car.

Author:  Wraith [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:00 pm ]
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That's awesome. I wished I could deploy again and make more of that tax free money. 15 months in Afghanistan as a Private first class I came back with over 28,000 in savings. Oh man I bought my first car and soo many guns(sig556, ps-90, vz-58, romanian PSL). It was glorious!

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