
Anyone on here keep up with video card hardware?
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Author:  ColeLT1 [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Anyone on here keep up with video card hardware?

What do you think of the next gen ATI Evergreen (HD5xxx) vs the upcoming GF100/Tesla/GT300 (GTX3x0) cards. Who is going to win, my money is on Tesla.

Author:  Godz [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

evergreen because competitons is good

Author:  ColeLT1 [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll be the first to admit that I prefer Nvidia, but in my lifetime I have never played favorites, and have owned a wide variety of video cards (some of which you guys have never heard of), I simply buy the best card for the buck.

Diamond stealth II g460, which used an Intel I740 chip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel740)
3dfx voodoo 2 card
Geforce 2
Geforce fx5200
ATI 9600xt
Geforce 6600gt
Geforce 7800gt
Geforce 9600gso
Geforce 9800GX2 <--- In my main computer

I also still have the GF2, a GF4TI, and a 7600gt (in my house server). They are all AGP cards, so kinda useless.

I also have owned a variety of processors.
Intel 486 25mhz <---- Gave away
Intel PI 233mhz <---- Gave away, unfortunately had a voodoo 2 in it :(
Intel PII 400mhz <--- My mom used it until about 6 months ago, I still have it
AMD K6-2 500mhz <--- laptop, power adapter broke, trashed
Intel P4 1.5ghz <--- gave to a friend, now unused
Intel P4 3.4ghz <---- sold to Splak:EvilPoptart
AMD Athlon 1.0 @ 1.2ghz <--- the old TS server, sitting unused now
AMD Athlon XP 2800 2.08 @ 2.28ghz <--- my media server
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 2.0 @ 2.4ghz <---- sold for use as a media server
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800 2.4 @ 2.75ghz <--- sold to Splak:Kaz, back at my house for upgrades
Intel Xeon 3350 (quad) 2.66 @ 3.4ghz <--- current pc
AMD Phenom II Quad 3.2ghz <---- Splak server (all but the pub)
@= Overclocked speed

All that being said, I will have to see how it performs, and if it matches/beats ATI, then I will get Nvidia because of the PhysX. But the data I have says Nvidia will win ( http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=7 ):

----------------------Pixel rate ---- Texture Rate ----- Memory Bandwith
Geforce GTX360 ---- 36,400 ----- 72,800 ------------ 224
Geforce GTX380 ---- 44,800 ----- 89,600 ------------ 281.6
ATI HD 5850 --------- 23,200 ---- 52,200 ------------ 128
ATI HD 5870 --------- 27,200 ---- 68,000 ------------ 153.6
Geforce 9800GX2 --- 19,200 ---- 76,800 ------------ 128 <---My card

Author:  Bensky [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

"ATI 9600xt "

Oh man, I had that card until a few months ago, bought it back in '03 I think haha. I'm now on a ATI Radeon HD 4670 on my laptop. I can watch youtube videos in HD at a framerate higher than 2 FPS now! (oh shit!)

Even though I've never bought a nVidia card after having to put up with a lemon from them that put scanlines all over the screen, I'm gonna say that they'll win this one. :P

Author:  Gdogg [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:40 pm ]
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GT300 definitely

Author:  ballinsk8r4lyf [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:24 pm ]
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Nvidia always wins for dominating the market and having the most powerful, but for the most bang for the buck I think ATI wins this round.

Author:  ColeLT1 [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 

ballinsk8r4lyf wrote:
Nvidia always wins for dominating the market and having the most powerful, but for the most bang for the buck I think ATI wins this round.

At this moment, yes, because their cards are "out" and by "out" I mean they sold a few hundred and then ran out, no more supply (for most of this year). So GTX260 beats a card you can't buy :) (and is really cheap for how powerful it is).

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