I work 4 days then have 3 off, and it's going to be like that until school where I will actually have more time, so I've been wanting to learn to use a new program. Problem is, I can't decide. As for what I already know, I'm pretty fluent in adobe visual products, your in designs, illustrator, Photoshop, etc., and I know a good deal about video editing with final cut and some lesser audio mixers.
I've been thinking of learning ableton pro 8, but the problem is I don't know near enough to teach myself and the only way I can think to learn is through lynda.com or some other pay to learn site, and I don't have the disposable income to through at a monthly learning fee.
So, that's where I am. Open to a solution to the earlier problem or a new idea altogether. Just looking to build on my capital with some program that could be useful in some situation. Surely someone here has some idea.